Nate Pietraszak Home Page ADOPTION UPDATE

Pan Chun Hang ("Anna")

We received our "referral" on March 10, 2003 -- and got the following information (below) on March 11. We will return our acceptance on March 12. Once all acceptances in our travel group are returned (there are 9 US couples, from places like Indiana and Michigan), it will take 4 more weeks until we know the exact date when we will travel to China, which will likely be 8 weeks after our acceptance -- so probably around May 10. We will be there for two weeks before returning.

Below the photos is a report we got along with them. I left in the translation errors too because I thought they were fun.

Date of this report: Dec 11, 2003
Gaozhou City Child Welfare Institute, Guandong Province

Pan Chun Hang (Pan is surname, Chun means spring, Hang is short for Hangzhou City), female, was found on May 19, 2003 by people Zhu Ting in the Waiting Room of Gaozhou Bus Station. She did not carry anything. She was then sent to our institution after being approved by Civil Affair Bureau of Gaozhou City. She was examined on admission. She was diagnosed as a normal newborn. Based on her development, we estimated her DOB as May 18, 2003 and gave her name Pan Chun Hang.

The child is well raised by the caretakers and has a good diet habit. Currently, she eats formula and rice flour as main food. She has a regular living schedule. She is a sound sleeper with good physical development. She poops and peeps normally.

The child has normal physical and intelligent development. At 2 months of age, she waved hands and legs when someone played with her. She smiled when you played with her and cried when felt hungry or wetted her diaper. At 3 months of age, she kicked legs energetically. She turned head to an object moving and followed it with eyes. Could gaze at a toy or hte face of a person nearby. At 4 months of age, she had more movements, moving herself on the crib, kicking legs and trying to turn over after awaking. She looked around curiously. At 5 months of age, she could turn over. Pushed her side to side with feet when sitting in a rocking chair. She giggled when someone played with her. She smiled to a person she knew. At 6 months, she developed fine her eyes, ears and limbs coordination. She turned head to a fresh sound or a thing. She could make sounds of "ba-ba-ba" consciously. Currently (as of Dec 11, 2003) she can sit alone; can stand for a moment holding on to something; responds to her name; turns head to the sound being called.

Pan Chun Hang is an active and outgoing child. She likes to play with peers and to play a toy with sounding.

After entering the institution, she is up to date on her immunization. She has received first BCG vaccine, DPT vaccine, HB vaccine, and TOPV.

Report by: Li Wei Qiang