Song Playing is
"The Circle of Life"
From the Lion King

Trissi's Album

Hello....welcome to my photo album! I invaded the Hill houshold some months back and just wanted to show you what a positive influence I've been around here!

Everyone coos and gurgles and, frankly, looks really silly.... what with all those funny faces they make at me. But, they mean well....and, afterall, they are just adults, so what can a baby expect?!

I have some photos for you to see, hope you like 'em and try not to miss any of my cuteness!! For those browsers that are capable, just place your cursor over each photo for a caption. Have fun!

Circle of Life
My very first Halloween...and go figure...I get no respect around here...whose idea was this outfit anyway? The Very idea of putting a BLONDE in the picture with me...I don't care if she's cute...get her out of here!
Hey! Is that food I see coming toward me? That's right! Just plop me any old wait 'til I can walk!
Hmmm...I wonder how THIS one tastes? Ok! Who called for back-up singers? You guys KNOW I'm a solo act!
You wanna, like, uh...adjust the head here?!! Hey! Get over here...I have a little surprise for you? What do you mean...again!?
My, my! You paparazzi ARE
everywhere, aren't you! Brrrr...Did anyone pay the heat bill this month??

Well...that's about it for now. Book mark our site and come back soon, because I'll have a whole new page in my album in a short time and you wouldn't want to miss any of my comments and narrative along the way! Please sign our Guestbook, if you haven't already, and take good care!

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