I'm a 27 year old Christian who loves the Lord with all my heart. I had been homeschooling for eleven years. I graduated in May of 1999. I have two loving parents, Ronald and Joyce Baumunk and two brothers, Benjamin 29, and Corel, 24. I also have twin sisters who are home with the Lord. I married my husband, Patrick July 20, 2002. On July 21, 2004 gave birth to son Jonathan. Some of my interests are reading, scrapbooking, helping others, chatting, surfing the net, and hanging out with friends.
Thy Word
Pass It On
Honey In The Rock
That's What Love Is For
Angels Watching Over Me
music and other favorites
Links to other sites on the Web
My Story
More Links
Dad's Page
Mom's Page
Corel's Page
Other Hymns
Y.Nona's Page
Benjamin's Page
Peoplehelper's Page
Presidentual Hangman
Maranatha Bible Church
Christian Parents Educational Fellowship
My Old Guestbook
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

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