Kate's Family
*Have I Told You Lately That I Love You??*
**Kate shared this with me...She and George never fought..but sometimes the pressure of store ownership and life would get to them...and when it did...the one would look at the other and say...
Have I told you lately that I love you?? and each would smile..and all was ok again**
Kate and George met when George was a student of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College in College Station, Texas and she was a Bryan telephone operator.
Their wedding was not a fancy storybook wedding as is pictured here....They were married by an uncle who was a pastor in Willis Texas...then they drove back to Bryan..a very long route because there was no short way from Huntsville where her dad lived to Bryan.

Mary Kate and George , ca 1988?

Faces From the Past
A Family Photo Album
The Mooney Family
The Tims Family
Background Set Courtesy of Sealites
Gentleman Jim''s Webpage CoolLZ's Country Music Site