In Loving Memory





Sherre thank you for this beautiful gift! 




Come take my hand, the road is long, 
We must travel by stepping stones. 
No, you're not alone. I'll go with you. 
I know the road well, I've been there. 
Don't fear the darkness, I'll be with you. 


We must take one step at a time, 
But remember we have to stop awhile. 
It is a long way to the other side, 
and there are many obstacles. 
We have many stones to cross, 
Some are bigger than others. 



Shock, denial and anger to start, 
Then comes guilt, despair and loneliness. 
It's a hard road to travel, but it must be done. 
It's the only way to reach the other side. 
Come, slip your hand in mine. 


What? Oh yes, it is strong, 
I've held many hands like yours. 
Yes, mine was once small and weak like yours. 
Once, you see, I had to hold someone's hand 
In order to take the first step. 


Oops, you stumbled! Go ahead and cry. 
Don't be ashamed, I understand. 
Let's wait here awhile and get your breath. 
When you're stronger, we'll go on --- one step at a time. 
There's no need to hurry. 


Say, it's nice to hear you laugh, 
Yes, I agree, the memories you shared are good. 
Look, we're halfway there, 
I can see the other side. 
It looks so warm and sunny. 


Oh have you noticed? We're nearing the last 
stone and you're standing alone! 
And look at your hand, You've let go of mine. 
We've reached the other side. 
But wait, look back. 
Someone is standing there. 


They are alone and want to cross the stepping stones. 
I'd better go, they need my hand. 
What? Are you sure? Why yes, go ahead, I'll wait. 
You know the way, you've been there. 
Yes, I agree! It's your turn, my friend. 

"Stepping Stones"  

By Barbara Williams,  
Compassionate Friends  Fort Wayne, Indiana 


Dealing with the loss of a child is very difficult. It is probably one of the hardest kinds of grief to deal with.  We all expect our parents & grandparents to go before us, but NOT our children. They aren't suppose to die before us. They are suppose to be our legacy. 
This site was created for two reasons. One as a memorial to my daughter. Two that it may help someone else who has lost a child or who knows someone who has. 
What you will find here are entries from my journal, poems that I have found to be comforting. Once in awhile you will find something that I have been inspired to write. You will find information on where to find self help groups, as well as angel graphics, because I believe in angels and I believe that is where Cindi is now, along with unicorn graphics because Cindi loved unicorns. You will also find some Do and Don't Say things.  I hope you find something useful here and pass it along.

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there is a lot here to take in with one visit. 
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Last updated:  06/25/2000