
What does it take to be a Big Brother or Big Sister?

If you’re a caring person with time to devote on a regular basis to a child, you can be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Professionally trained staff screen all applicants thoroughly before matching them with waiting children, and consistent agency support is given to the volunteer, child and child's parents or guardian. Being a ‘Big’ means listening to and learning from your Little Brother or Little Sister, but most of all it means being there.

What do ‘Bigs’ and ‘Littles’ do together?

Bigs and Littles enjoy playing sports, seeing movies, cooking, going over schoolwork, visiting museums, washing the car, taking walks, volunteering in their communities, or just hanging out. Kids need an older role model, someone in addition to parents and friends, who can share life experiences and help guide them in the right direction. The time and support Big Brothers and Big Sisters dedicate is the most valuable gift you can give any child.

How did Big Brothers Big Sisters begin?

Ernest Coulter, a court clerk from New York City, started New York Big Brothers in 1904. Coulter was the founder of what would become Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Coulter was influenced by the work of Judge Julius Mayer of the New York Children's Court, where Coulter worked. Judge Mayer recruited influential men to mentor delinquent boys who came before him. Coulter became increasingly appalled by the suffering and misery of the thousands of children who came through the court. So in late 1904, Coulter appeared before a group of civic and business leaders. He described a boy about to be jailed: "There is only one way to save that youngster, and that is to have some earnest, true man volunteer to be his Big Brother, to look after him, help him to do right, make the little chap feel that there is at least one human being in this great city who takes a personal interest in him. Someone who cares whether he lives or dies. I call for a volunteer!" Every man in the room raised his hand. Coulter had the first group of Big Brothers he would need.

Where did the idea for Big Brothers Big Sisters come from?

At the turn of the twentieth century, the media was exposing the terrible problems many children faced—dangerous jobs, poverty, crime and absent parents. Many caring philanthropists at that time were moved to help kids growing up adrift. Irvin Westheimer from Cincinnati was for many years credited with creating the Big Brothers Big Sisters concept. On July 4, 1903, Westheimer witnessed a young boy and his dog scavenging through trash cans for food. He introduced himself to the boy and gave him a decent meal. Later he met the boy's impoverished family, and he eventually became a trusted mentor for the boy and a friend to the family. Westheimer went on to found Big Brothers of Cincinnati in 1910, and was instrumental in founding the first Big Brothers of America movement along with Ernest Coulter in 1917.

When was Big Sisters formed and who was its founder?

Various women's' groups were also pairing concerned women with girls in different cities in the early 1900s. The Ladies of Charity in New York was one of the very first mentoring organizations aimed at girls. Shortly after New York Big Brothers was formed, the Ladies changed its name to Catholic Big Sisters in 1905. Its founder was Mrs. John O'Keefe, who is considered the first Big Sister. Her earliest volunteers were primarily wives of influential businessmen and civic leaders in Manhattan.

BB/BS Situacion in Lithuania

In Lithuania we made first BB/BS centre in capital of Lithuania in 1995, and in Kaunas 1997, in Klaipeda 1996, in Ukmerge 2000, in Kaisiadorys 1999, so we make diference.Coordinating centre is in Vilnius.(Saltoniskiu 58 - 106,Vilnius,Lithuania tel. +370 2 79 06 24)In Kaunas is BB/BS program and club "BOTH" which promote and enlarge BB/BS program in Kaunas.


Christmas party 1.Easter day 2.Presentation of organizacion “Pastoge” 3.Presentation of “green” activity 4.Presentation of volunteers of Klaipėda in Kaunas 99 01-03 5.Presentation of club BB/BS in Klaipėda 99 01-03 6."Build snowman" 7.How to make first aid 8. Sex education in Family center

You can find us:


Pagalbos vaikams centras prie nepilnamečių socialinės pagalbos ir skirstymo centro Program BB/BS and club "BOTH" Radvilėnų pl. 13a 3000 Kaunas Phone 370-7-731082 (call LIGITA) e-mail
