The Schauer Family Home Page!
I have been adding more items to this page as I get time. Please check back once in a while for updates. I have also changed the format of the page and hopefully this will make it easier to navigate. Please let me know what you think.
Well, we are living in Spain again. This time we are not on the base or outside the base. We are living in Montoro which is about 30 miles from Cordoba.
The children are picking Spanish up very quickly and I'm coming along myself. The children are doing very good in the Spanish schools.
I will be posting more photos here soon.
Wow! What a busy year we have had! I quit my job in Iraq in October 2006 and accepted a VTC job in Cleveland, Ohio.
We bought a house in the area and looking forward to getting settled again.
I have a lot of photo's on here. This should be nice for those who haven't see much of us. I have not updated the pictures yet, but it is on my list of things to do. :)
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This page was last edited: June 29th, 2005 at 0100