Welcome to Gail's Haven


I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

The Revevlation: Ch. 1, Verse 8; King James Version of the Bible

In these times when we feel strong and safe, our country was brutually & unwarranted attacked. Here at Gail's Haven, we are praying for all those who have lost love ones and are risking their lives to help save another.  Those who have left us temporarily and those who are working so hard to help another are the true heros. For everyone who has lifted a stone, who gave blood, money, their abilities and knowledge such as firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, equipment operators, those who have fought and those who will be fighting to keep our country safe and strong....as Americans, we thank you.  Our prayers are with you. ------ Webmaster.

Support Freedom

Support Freedom

Sept 11 2001

I hope you shall find peace and comfort among the pages of Gail's Haven. We all must live our lives as we choose.  But, as I live mine, I pray that somewhere and at sometime I shall make a difference to someone -- no matter how small or how brief.

Listen to your own hearts, concentrate on letting go of your stress, give your burdens to God....His shoulders are much stronger and broader than ours.  And most of all.....give thanks to our God; praise Him.  God bless all who enters into Gail's Haven.

Won Feb. 13, 2001
      Sassy's Kids

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Heartland Prayer Parnter

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