Lockhart's Kindergarten
Thanks for visiting. This page contains information on our class activities, pictures,
and other
useful information for kindergarten and family interests. Check back again to
see the changes.
About Our School
The Bermudian Springs Elementary School houses
approximately 830 of the 2000 students enrolled in the
Bermudian Springs School District. The elementary
school serves all the Grade K-4 children in the district.
Bermudian Springs Elementary School
Bermudian Springs School District Website
Bermudian Springs
Elementary School Administration and Faculty
Coming Events In the Classroom
About the Teacher
Hi! I'm Beth Lockhart. I'm originally from the city of York, but have lived in the Dillsburg area since graduating from Millersville University. I've taught at Bermudian Springs since 1983. My husband is a Technology Education teacher at Boiling Springs High School. We have a son who is nine. I enjoy traveling, reading, cross-stitching, outdoors activities, ice hockey and NASCAR.
AM Kindergarten:
Show and tell for the week will be the sound of the letter Ee. The children should bring some item that begins with the letter Ee.
Continue to review the letters and sounds we have practiced so far. They are: Dd, Mm, Pp, Ss, Ff, Bb, Tt, Ll, Ww, Cc, Rr, Vv, Jj, Hh, Kk, Gg, Nn, Qq, Yy and Aa.
In math, we will be looking at a simple map. We will also continue to practice time telling to the hour and we will look at ordering events as they happen.
Phonemic Awareness - Ask children to listen to a series of three words. All should begin with the same letter sound. Have the child tell you the first sound in these words. See if they can add other words beginning with this same sound. Also try the same activity with words ending with the same sound such as: house, bus, mess. Tell the child to listen for the last sound they hear in the words. Ending sound is a step higher in difficulty.
EDK Class:
This week we will work on the letters Xx and Yy. We will continue to review the other learned letters as we move along! Those are Aa through Xx.
This week we continued work in our small groups. The children are working on hearing the number of letter sounds in a word. We have even done some simple word spelling and we can play magic tricks and do word changing!!!
Our reading book for the next week will focus on the sight words: can I. When your child brings home a Take Home book for reading with you, ask them some questions about the words and sentences. Here are some possible questions: How many words are in the sentence? Can you find the word I? What mark is at the end of the sentence? Find the word that begins with the sound of the letter ___? The children also know that a really good reader makes their fingers match each word they read.
Be sure to ask them to use this skill!
Find the special class schedule and Day Number of your child's special classes!
Click Here.
Dates to Remember: March 17, 2004 Weather Preparedness Drill March 18, 2004 PTO Meeting, 7:00PM March 26&27, 2004 Candy pick-up April 8, 2004 Snow make up date, school open April 12&13,2004 Snow make up dates, school open June 7, 2004 Snow make up date, school open If you are available by e-mail, and would like to share your address with me for any communication (notes) that might be needed, please either e-mail me or send it along in a note.
2003-2004 Bermudian Springs School District Calendar
Class Activities and Information
Santa Apple Party 2003
Thanksgiving Feast 2003!
Frog Eyes!
Making Butter for the Thanksgiving Feast!
Space Cadets!
October 2003 Trip to the
The First Week of School 03-04!
Special Class
Compressed Kindergarten Schedule Information
Modified Kindergarten Schedule Information
Internet Sites of Interest
Click Here for useful
information, activities for your child
or the whole family, and some just plain fun!
E-mail Mrs. Lockhart:
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visits to this page since December 15, 1998.This page last updated on March 04, 2004.
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