Hey there! Just wanted to welcome you to my page.

Can you believe this? Mom so far has scanned only this sole picture of me! I wanted some pictures of just me for my page, and this is the only one she found. Oh well. Mom promised to take more of me. All the pictures we have are of my brothers and me. You would think that as I am the oldest that she'd have more.

Mom here - In my defense...I have plenty of pictures of Paul. All of them are not current - meaning of him alone in the past few months. Paul wants this page to be about him and not him and his brothers ---- so --- he needs to wait a while before I have current pictures of him alone. Baseball practice starts this week and with it plenty of film and opportunity to takes some pictures of Paul playing baseball.

OK, OK! I admit it! It is now a new baseball season and I have fallen down on my job. I promise to put lots of new current pictures of Paul on this site by summer!


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