Storme Millennium Award Mantle

Below are Awards for your page. You can send your E-mail
address, the name of the award or awards you would like and the url of
your site to either
Mysty's Mail
or use the Form near the bottom of the page. If we do not respond within
2 weeks, please email us. Sometimes the forms go down and even emails can
get lost.
Some of the awards are for our cat pages from our cat's site and the
others are regular awards from our family and graphic site.

This Surf graphic is yours to take . Let us
know, if you take it. We will list your page at our site. Please put a
link back to
You must apply for the below awards, just fill out the
form below or send E-Mail to
Your site must meet certain requirements. They are different for each
award. All must be safe for surfing by all ages. Please state which one
you are applying for. Some of the awards are going to be retired soon.
Here is a brand new one for lovely sites!

All sites must be safe for
family surfing.

This award has less requirements
The page must have some content and or be well-designed.
This award has some requirements

If your site is safe surfing for all ages, you can apply for

Sites must meet the higher requirements for the next newly
created awards.
They can be resize or can just
use the plaque without the pole.

A similar Site of the Month Award for Graphic Sites can be applied
for at
Graphic's Library.
Please note - The
cat's Welfare Award is at
Mysty's Yard.
Award Recipient Links
Purr Babies
Habitat is a cat site. Visit and learn about the wonderful
purrbabies and all their activities. See their cute theme pages!
Junction is the home to two cats, Amos and Andy. Visit and
take a train ride.
Site is a cat site and has our Top of the Charts Award.
World of Animals has received our Purrfect Award. The site has
two sections, one for dogs and one for cats, and more. They have
quotes, tips, welfare info and more.
Cooking with
Judi has received our Top of the Charts Award. She has recipe
pages, poems, music and much more. Stop by and surf her site.
Moke the
Magnificent has received our Star Attraction Site Award. Visit
and see the magician cat perform his magic and themed pages of the
Recipe Book
Online is the recipient of Mysty's Purrfect Award. Visit their
well-designed site. A great place to check out recipes.
Blue's Angel Pride - Meet Shamus and learn about him.
See his nice theme pages and more. The first to receive
Mysty's Great Site Plaque!
Monella's Persians
- A wonderful Cattery site! Visit and look at the photo's
of the cats and more.
Feeling Nostalgic
is a wonderful site with many past memories. It has info
on the 50's and 60's along with lyrics and trivia. There are
also web background sets to use for a link or to purchase. It has 2 of
our awards - Great Sites and Top of the Charts. There are also a couple of pages spotlighting
Richardson's History
and Ancestory - Very nice Ancestory site with good
Place Andie's
Tabbies is a wonderful cat site.
Calvin and
Sabrina's Meowy World is a cute cat site with cat quotes,
tips, welfare and more. Visit and learn about Calvin and Sabrina.
Tweety World has our Tweety Award. A cute site with many
Tweety links and information.
Homepage is homepages with the owner's photo's and more. It is
safe surfing with our shore graphic and our Splendid Surfing Award on their award
We list all recipients on this page, please visit their great sites.
The list has been growing and in the future, they may be placed on a
separate page.
If your link wasn't added, please remind us. thank you.

Award Application Form
These awards were designed by Mysty. Our border sets and graphic
index is at Storme
Millennium Graphic Platform .
The Background on this page was designed by
there are three pages with parts to this set at Light
House Oval, Sea
View Way and Ocean
Light Way.
We have a professional site at Storme Designs.
Please visit, especially if your are looking for an exclusive banner,
graphic, logo and or set.
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This page was enhanced on March 1, 2008.
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