And Here's Grayson!

My brother Grayson is the strangest of our family members.
He likes to knock things over, chase the rest of us,
and cause all sorts of trouble.

Grayson was found by Mom and Dad in the new Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Station's Parking Lot on 45th St. They were coming home from New York late at night when they heard Grayson calling to them. He threw himself at Mom, knowing she would take him in. He even had the nerve to jump into the car!

Mom told Dad she would give him to Grandma in the morning. Well, Grayson didn't like that idea! So, once they were safely home he made sure to jump on the bed and cuddle on Dad. By morning Dad wouldn't let Mom give Grayson away. Now he's a permanent resident. Dad wanted to name him Hudson-Bergen but our brother Josh named him Grayson after a funny character on an episode of Cops.

He likes to perch on top of the wall unit and knock things over onto people!

I see him posing with that angel - don't let him fool you!!!!!

He can be very cute, Mom says, but I don't believe it.

All in all he's an ok cat but don't let anyone know that I said that!

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