Our child threatened to kill us. Now US Government officials think they have the same rights as the NAZIs. They can do whatever they want and we must foot the bill. Government actions such as this are the root of the problems with our children.
What do we do as a society when children become dangerous? The recent horror in Colorado could happen to our kids next. My wife and I know this all too well. Last year our 17-year-old son threatened to kill his step-father (me), his mother and 7-old-sister. We had taken him in a year-and-a-half before, when his father threw him out--cold. No one else would take him.
He made this death threat in front of a high-school mentor, a psychologist and a probation officer. He told his mother on the phone after this that he planned to turn on the gas on the stove--wait at the other end of the house--then strike a match.
The "professionals" said they thought he would be no problem back at home. We found evidence of small fires in his room. Lots of small fires. There were books hidden in his room that glorified killing and killers.
If Giddion Baker had not admitted his thoughts to three professionals, we would be forced to keep him with us or go to jail. How many parents have faced threats from a child with the government telling them, "KEEP THE CHILD OR GO TO JAIL!" Please, contact us with your stories, we will gladly post them on this web site if they prove worthy.
The UCSD CAPS "doctors" tried to force this child back on us. They thought that even though he constantly talked of violence he should come back to live with us. They told us that he had not tried to harm anyone at the facility yet. We complained to Child Protective Services because of the danger to our daughter. Then, Child Protective Services, in their infinite wisdom, moved him out of that facility (over an hours drive away)--to a group home TEN MINUTES DRIVE FROM OUR HOME.
We should feel much better. This child who has been diagnosed as "psychotic with suicidal and homicidal ideation" is now close to us and taking two anti-psychotic drugs. He is living with "foster parents" who are have applied for financial aid and the District Attorney has filed suit against us for support. The D.A., as usual, is not asking for support from the father who is out-of-state. The father, Christopher Andrew Baker, skipped the state when he caught wind of the situation. Christopher Baker made one payment on child support the day he handed Giddion over. We have not seen a penny since. The D.A.'s office could not care less. They will get their money from the easiest source--us.
Isn't our government always right there to help you with your problems? The District Attorney in San Diego is apparently well-known for going after anyone who does not pay support--BUT ONLY IF IT IS COSTING THE CITY MONEY.
Please be aware that no one asked us to pay anything except the attorney assigned to our case. Their first contact with us was a legal action.
What we are most concerned about, obviously, is how close this child who wants to kill us has been moved so close to our daughter. How can these so-called servants of society act in such a moronic way? Do they actually think they know Giddion Baker better than us? If Giddion should harm anyone, the blame will fall UCSD CAPS Dr. Shapiro, Child Protective Services and the District Attorney in San Diego.
It's time that these legal eagles who are flying for promotion be EXPOSED! If you have had any difficulty getting the D.A. in San Diego to help you get support and are not on County Aid, please contact us. We would like to put your story on the web. If you have a story of a violent child that you were forced to keep at home because no one would believe you, this is the place to expose the government for what it is.