Welcome to my Guestbook!

Carl - 07/25/00 15:59:15
My URL:http://home.swipnet.se/ornsberg
My Email:ornmaster@hotmail.com
City: Stockholm
Hello Scoutfriends! Nice site! Greetings from The Örnsbergs Scout Group in Sweden!

kathy johnson - 04/17/00 20:52:48
My Email:kajebj@aol.com
Troop Number: 2814
City: Marlborough
State: MA
Troop level: Cad/srs

Jeannie - 03/21/00 17:02:45
My Email:GSLFrog
Troop Number: 297
City: Corona
State: Ca
Troop level: Brownie
Beautiful web page! I am in the process of making a web page for our SU. You all have done a beautiful job! Jeannie

Sheryl Hicks - 01/04/00 03:21:41
My Email:rehicks@prodigy.net
Troop Number: Troop 630
City: Charleston
State: S.C.
Troop level: Junior

Sheryl Hicks - 01/04/00 03:21:01
My Email:rehicks@prodigy.net

Judith Perkins - 12/21/99 19:08:58
My Email:juddontenburywells@Supernet.com
State: England
Troop level: Brownies & Guides.
I am new to the internet and was just browsing when i came across your website. It was great to run through it. thankyou.

Nicole - 07/26/99 23:14:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/nicolespage
My Email:gsgreen@angelfire.com
Troop Number: 154
City: Collins
State: Mississippi
Troop level: Junior
Love your page. I like to go camping too.

Lyndsey Johnston - 06/09/99 11:12:12
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/corriebeg
My Email:corriebeg@compuserve.com
Troop Number: 1st Culbokie Brownies and Guides
City: Culbokie
State: Scotland, UK
Troop level: Brownies and Guides
Hi there, I really loved your site, but come and visit mine some time, please! and you all can sing the guestbook to! If you can see a picture, click on that, it will take you to our homepage!

Kristen Judd - 05/07/99 22:08:20
My Email:Stacy_Judd@mmacmail.jccbi.gov
Troop Number: #397
City: Bridge Creek
State: Oklahoma
Troop level: Brownies
Hi ya'll! Today is Friday May 7 and I am at my mom's work because the tornado went through our town and we can't go to school. I thought I'd just say hi because I didn't get to see you on Wednesday. Hope you all are all right.My family and my house are -kay.

Laura - 04/26/99 09:01:51
My Email:lau_london@excite.com
Troop Number: 197 Bristol Guides
City: Bristol
State: United Kingdom
Troop level: ages 10-14

Eileena Carvell - 04/03/99 16:27:05
My Email:sadie_2pacbell.net
Troop Number: 1643 jr.
City: buena park
State: california
Troop level: jr. first year
hi tamera dorris from troop 398 sent me this address and asked us to sing the guest book so here we are . have a happy easter to all of you out there and we will talk to you soon troop 1643

debra - 03/26/99 12:35:38

Tamera Dorris - 02/27/99 01:26:33
My Email:TameraDorris@juno.com
Troop Number: 397 and398
City: Blanchard
State: Oklahoma
Troop level: Brownies and Juniors
I finally got here!!!!!!!!! It's really cool!! Keep up the great work.

Carol Williams - 02/21/99 03:31:03
My Email:cwilli4346@aol.com
City: Blanchard
State: Ok
Troop level: None
I am Lindi's, Alana's and Bretta's grandmother. They are all involved in Girl Scouts, as is their mother, Heidi. I am very proud of them all. It is a wonderful organization and I am proud my girls are a part it.

Lindi - 02/20/99 20:28:19
My Email:kookalou@yahoo.com
Troop Number: 397
City: Blanchard
State: Ok
Troop level: Brownie
I like this web site. It is neato because I am in it. Ha Ha!

Deedra Nagy - 01/27/99 15:39:08
My Email:stunagydl@usao.edu
Troop Number: 587
City: Newcastle
State: ok
Troop level: 5th grade Juniors
I finally found your site!! Looks good.

Alana - 12/12/98 00:54:43
My Email:squeakatola@yahoo.com
Troop Number: 397
Troop level: brownie
I like this web site. It's pretty. Alana

Tina - 12/06/98 01:21:27
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/3392/
My Email:thawkins@starcomm.net
Troop Number: Brownie Troop 652
Great site, Debra! Love your midi!

Heidi - 12/02/98 23:03:31
My Email:W_heidi@hotmail.com
Troop Number: 397
City: blanchard
You need to come over!

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