Tri City Service Unit, Oklahoma

Sooner Girl Scout Council Troops


This page will go under construction after the Labor Day Holiday. Sorry for the delay!



We have 3 troops in the Bridge Creek School system. Our ages range from Daisies thru 6th grade Juniors.


All the girls really worked hard on cookie sales this year. Our group sold enough to do some really neat things before next October.


Lindi's drawing (below) was selected as one of the twelve pictures to be used in the Oklahoma Highway Safety Calendars for 1999. This contest was for all third graders in Oklahoma.


Don't forget your feathered friends this winter. Here is a recipe mine really love!



We are getting ready to do some camping.


On May 7, we will be having a leader, daughter camp out. We are going to use this trip as a special one to have some extra special time our daughters won't have to share with the rest of the troop.

On May 21 , we will be having our Brownie camp out. We plan on doing some knot tying, cooking, exploring, singing and games.


During the rest of the 98-99 school year, Debra's troop will be working on their outdoor cooking and computer patches and try-its and a dabbler for flying up to Juniors.



For other events the Tri-City Service Unit is doing, go to our calendar of events


If you would like to correspond with our leaders, or even some of the girls, email our leaders.

We do hope you will come and visit us again soon as we try to update on occasion.

We love e-mail!

Debra (3rd grade leader)

Heidi (2nd grade leader)

Mary (1st grade leader)

Tamera (Junior and 1st grade leader)






Check out the Sooner Council










Please sign our guest book!

So we will know who came by to say hi.

See who else has been by to say hi.







We are a proud troop of Girl Scouts!

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