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Name :   John
Homepage URL :   
How did you navigate to this site? :   New log as of 12/10/00
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Due to problems with the host of my old logs, I have commissioned this new log. If you are a returning shipmate please sign again. Thank you
Name :   Tammy..(red).....
Homepage URL :   
How did you navigate to this site? :   well lets see....the night was know..clear saw the harbor lights....and thought I would pull into port and visit a wonderful friend....
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Its great john....congradulations on the award...I am sure there will be many more to come your way...miss you my friend....keep up the good work.... :o)
Name :   Linda
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   A search for patriotic home pages
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   I love your website!!! It is very close to my see, i am the daughter of a Navy veteran.Dad was in the Navy almost 27 years.He retired in 1969. While he was in the Navy,he served in WWII and Korea.I would be honored if you would visit my websit
Name :   birdnonna
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   link
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   yes, very nice site. My dad & I created a site about his navy days and I will email your site to him. I added his homepage for the url.
Name :   SaltyBob
Homepage URL :   
How did you navigate to this site? :   Just staggered in!
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Not Bad For A Young Kid!
Name :   Nancy
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   Just surfing.
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Will visit again soon.
Name :   Paul Ward
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   Surfing
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Very nice site and you put in alot of work and time into it. Thanks for sharing...
Name :   Don Foltz
Homepage URL :   
How did you navigate to this site? :   Aunt Deb
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   
Name :   Trudi
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   I enjoyed your home page immensely! I was also happy to see "The American Creed" on it - one of my favorite writings!...If you get a chance, I hope you'll visit my page, and that you will leave a message of support for our troops while you're there...God
Name :   Ed Crean
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   Came port at Yahoo
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Love your site, brother! Stop by my mess (URL) and have a cup of coffee
Name :   Donnie Locklear III
Homepage URL :   
How did you navigate to this site? :   Looking for other Navy personal sites.
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   
Name :   Diansw
Homepage URL :
How did you navigate to this site? :   from a link on another site
Comments/Suggestions/Remarks :   Neat site here I loved your dreams page
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