

Welcome aboard shipmate.

Stow your seabag and help yourself to some coffee. Its always fresh and hot. As a retired Navy veteran and single parent these pages reflect my life and thoughts and are dedicated to my family and the many friends I have known throughout the world. I have added my attempts to bring some beauty and enjoyment to the strangers who might visit here. May you enjoy your stay aboard my ship as we cruise through life together. Before we shift colors to get underway please take a moment to sign the ship's log least you be considered a stowaway.

Ship's Log

I served in the U.S. Navy from 1972 to 1992, and although now retired I still have a love of the sea and the men and women who serve this country by keeping the waters of the world free to all .

The proud father of five daughters; they have and continue to be the guiding light of my life. My eight grand children also add excitement and joy. Much of my time is spent taking care of the house, yard and the many flower beds I enjoy planting. Of course the girls and I normally have some type of family activities to keep us together and busy. I do enjoy the many friends I have meet on line as well as keeping in touch with some old shipmates.

Below are links to the pages I have created. I am working on several additional pages at this time and hope you will check back often to view them. I am new to web design and enjoy creating these pages. The backgrounds, clipart, graphics, buttons, and dividers are not my original creation as I am not a graphic design expert. Rather these items were found surfing the net and to my knowledge are not copyright restricted. I have attempted to identify the indiviual who originally created the art work whenever possible

E Mail Links My Guestbook Old Guestbook Next

The Creed Vets Tribute Against the Wind Dreams
The Flag Our Flag Display the Flag Fly the Flag
John's Genealogy

Excellence Award

  Ship's History  
August 29, 1999
  Last Overhaul:
October15, 2007
York Haven, PA

Crew: The number of shipmates to cross the QuarterdeckCounter

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The Rail

Web page design by SAILORE9RET copyrighted all rights reserved