- Hi, my name is Tone, and I'm from Oslo in Norway (Scandinavia).
I've designed this page primarily for showing different pictures of people, animals and nature. But I also want to use it for telling about my pets
and myself. When it comes to animals, exotic birds are my biggest passion. But
I also love dogs and horses. And yes, the dog is human's best friend :o)
- I've been breeding different kind of birds
since 1996, and I will try to keep it up even when I start study.
- My camera is a Canon eos 300, and I have
lenses reaching from 28
to 300 mm. Sometimes I also borrow my fathers camera - Canon eos 3 - and his
lenses (which is much more
expensive than mine...).
- In May 2000 I finished secondary school, and I am very
happy for that - although I miss the people at school... I want to be a
veterinary, and I am pretty sure I will study at the veterinary school in
København (Copenhagen).
- From December 2000 to June 2001 I will be working
at the Norwegian Agriculture school (NLH) in Ås (outside of Oslo). Next
year I would love to be abroad with some of my friends for a time, maybe
in Spain or in Africa. But my parents are not very happy with the idea -
they want me to start studying...
- At my spare time I ride horses (I love
the Arabian horses - with their beauty, grace and self-confidence) and I
do my workout at SATS (fitness studios in Scandinavia). I have a
dalmatian bitch who is named Yatzy and have reached 6 years. When I get
the space and time, I want to have an Afghanian hound (those graceful
hounds with VERY long hair).
- Update December 2002 (finally): I now study veterinarian in Denmark at my second year. I have a wonderful arabian horse (Samaria, check her out at www.geocities.com/sahara_arabians) and two senegal parrots. My finches live with a friend, and probably he will keep them - I don't have too much space at my 10 square meters... I don't have any dogs - and I miss it sooooo much :o( Travelling: In January 2000 I was in Mexico, and I really loved the place (if you have the oppertunity; GO THERE!). In October I was in Paris with my sister, Astrid, just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful city. Last january I was in France (Risoul), snowboarding - nice :o)I was at Tenerife for six weeks this summer, working as a practicant in Loro Parque - a really nice experience :o) My horse is pregnant now, so no travelling this summer... But probably a nice little foal instead :o) She will give birth in April 2003.
- I hope you enjoy surfing at my page, and I'll be
very happy if you sign my guest book! DERE KAN SELVFØLGELIG SKRIVE PÅ NORSK! Denne siden er jo ikke ment for "all the web" ;o)

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since November 2000