Now on to one of my absolute favorite subjects! Gardening! The time I spend working in my flower beds is precious! I use that time to think....I mean really think about things. No kids, no husband, no boss.....nothing but me and my flowers! It is so very therapeutic and not to mention excellent exercise! When spring begins to fade into summer and I start to see the benefits of all my hard work peaking through the mulch I get such a feeling of accomplishment! It is back breaking work but when I step back and look at the beauty of God's gifts to us..flowers.....I forget about all the sweat, sunburns and sore muscles!!! This page is dedicated to my love of gardening! Here you will find links to some groovy sites and some pictures of my flowers! I hope you enjoy them! PLEASE let me know if you have a great site that I have missed, I'm always looking for new ones! Thanks! |