Some of the Johnsons  (22356 bytes)
Fred and Maybell Ruth had a bazillion kids (14) here are a few of them. Poor Fred had no shoes.


Maybelle Ruth (8515 bytes)
All those kids took it's toll on Maybell Ruth...

Jennie Burke (22225 bytes)
This is Jennie Marie all growed up. From this photo we learn why Jennie developed such a fondness for Thigh High stockings with elastic tops.


 Harry Burke (32136 bytes)
Jennie "Married" Harry Burke (if that's his real name). Harry had a "Thing" for Maybell Ruth.
(NO, the dog is not dead!)

HMMM, Fred and Jenny, Maybell Ruth and Harry...

You're gonna'  miss the really good stuff if you go there now...

More on Harry Burke (if that's his real name)... Also, meet The Girls...