Tori's Playhouse
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Welcome to my playhouse. I finally got up enough nerve to try to set up a web page, so let's see how this goes. Everyone is always asking me for my picture, so this was the reason I started this. I got tired of sending it via e-mail all the time. Who really knows where this thing will go from here though.
I love to collect clipart BIGTIME!! I have been known to spend HOURS upon HOURS just surfing the web for it. I do a lot of desktop publishing here at home, mostly for myself and family. My family also likes to play around with it too. We use Printmaster Platinum to make greeting cards, address labels, posters, etc. I have made business cards and address labels for my parents and a few friends who are in the business, only charging enough to cover the cost of my materials though. Mostly I just do it for the fun of it.
Um....maybe I SHOULD go into business for myself!!
Some of my clipart collection......
These have been found all over the web, so if I have taken it from your site, let me know and I will either set up a link for you or remove it UPON YOUR REQUEST.
Why not look @ these kewl links??
Nation Wide Manuscripts - This lady helped me learn how to build pages easier
Jacqueline's Place - Nice site with angels and Applets, she also taught me how to use the Java Lake Applet
For those who have asked how to post pictures in the Chatrooms,
Want to see the rest of my family??
Where Do You Want To Go Now??