Roosevelt High School Class of 79

Fresno, California

The 20 year class reunion was held on August 28,1999
There will not be a 25 year reunion in 2004.
We are currently planning for 30 year reunion in 2009.
Please update our files with your current mailing address
so that you can be contacted for the next reunion. Also
let us know if may publish your current address in our next
Memory Book. You can contact the reunion committee by
using one of the following methods:

U.S. Mailing address:

RHS Class Of '79
3419 West Shaw
Fresno, California 93711

Email using the following address:

You can also use your browser email by selecting the following link:

We need everyone's help to find as many graduates as possible so
please pass this information on to any alumni that you are in contact with.
RHS '79 Reunion Committee

Hope to see you at the next reunion!


Class Photo

Contact List


If you have comments or suggestions, email Karl Sarajian at

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