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The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

The Colonel Haslet Chapter Honors Our
NSDAR Member with
25 Years or More Membership

Mary Neifert Revels (Mrs. Robert G., Sr.)
Joined: October 12, 1951; Resigned 1971
Reinstated: October 10, 1984
Ancestors: Jacob Bachman, Sr., PA
Nicholas Bachman, PA

Patricia Thistlewood Marshall (Mrs. George W.,II)
Joined: April 1962
Ancestors: Benjamin Clark, DE
John Vineyard, DE
Robert Watson McCauley, DE
Isaac Hammond, Sr., DE
Nehemiah Davis, DE
James Thistlewood, DE

Marrilyn Jamison Bovis (Mrs. Irving)
Joined: February 1, 1964
Ancestors: Johann C. Weidner, PA
Daniel Jester, DE
Capt. Nathan Adams, DE
Zadoc Powell, MD

Jean Derrickson Gruwell (Mrs. Hudson E.)
Joined: February 1, 1966
Ancestor: Isaac Johnson, DE

Dorothy Bonafield Snyder (Mrs. Earl J.)
Joined: June 11, 1968
Ancestor: Jacob Feather, PA

Marybel Barnhart Kobb (Mrs. Charles E., Sr.)
Joined: October 17, 1968
Ancestor: Ulrich Lehr (Loehr), PA

Mary Gail Neister Smith (Mrs. John R.)
Joined: January 28, 1977
Ancestor: David Cummings, MA

Gladys Averill Cable Beatty (Mrs. Charles N., Sr.)
Joined: Febrary 2, 1979
Ancestor: Nathaniel Waples, DE

Muriel Neff Kline (Mrs. John C.)
Joined: April 14, 1979
Ancestors: Michael Valentine Beaver, PA
Jacob Dreisbach, Jr., PA
Simon Dreisbach, Jr., PA
George Drum, PA
Christian Helman, PA
Jacob Hubler, PA
Phillip Woodring, PA

Lois Jean S. Pritchett (Mrs.J.Harlan)
Joined: April 17, 1971
Ancestor: Pvt. George Green/e, NC

Elizabeth (Bess) McCall Zipf (Mrs. Karl)
Joined: October 12, 1978
Ancestor: Finch Guildersleeve, NY

Sandra Lewis Titus (Mrs. James B., Jr.)
Joined: October 1977
Ancestor: James Frazier, DE

Audrey Smith Gardner (Mrs Richard T.)
Joined: February 1, 1980
Ancestor: Cornelius Davenport, NJ

As of February 1998

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Martha Ted Bagby Miller (Mrs. Charles H.)
Died: February 28, 2007
Joined: April 15, 1944
Ancestor: Col. Jonathan Latimer, IL

Patricia Field-Longanecker Homlish(Mrs. Paul J., Jr.)
Died: December 10, 2005
Joined: December 5, 1988
Ancestor: John Loudin, PA

Dorothy Rose Mitchell Gorman
Died: September 21, 2005
Joined: June 9, 1980
Ancestor: Henry Hunter, ME

Salome Downes Edgeworth (Mrs. Arthur)
Died: July 18, 2005
Joined: October 20, 1926
Ancestor: Matthias Schock, PA

Clara Farrow Putman (Mrs. Wallace B.)
Died: February 13, 2005
Joined: April 17, 1965
Ancestor: Dr. Joshua Clayton, DE

Sarah Emory Hevalow (Mrs.Ralph E.)
Died: December 4, 2002
Joined: March 27, 1981
Ancestor: Emanuel Russell, DE

Dorothy Fields Harrison (Mrs. Woodrow W.)
Died: June 29, 2002
Joined: December 5, 1988
Ancestor: John Loudin, PA

Margaret Elizabeth Elsasser Bilton (Mrs.Byron W.)
Died: March 7, 2001
Joined: October 14, 1977
Ancestor: Joseph Kirkpatrick, PA

Vera M. Szvitich (Mrs. Charles)
Died: August 1, 2000
Joined: October 13, 1979
Ancestor: Abraham Leasure, PA

Jeannette Betts Dodd (Mrs. Herbert J.)
Died: May 23, 2000
Joined: October 20, 1927; Dropped 1946
Reinstated: October 1986
Ancestor: Richard Van Riper, NJ

Mary Keely Everhart (Mrs. Edward B.)
Died: February 11, 2000
Joined: April 12, 1952
Ancestor: Lt.Stephen Noble, MA

Virginia Stanton Obrinski (Mrs. Peter)
Died: November 5, 1998
Joined: April 30, 1958
Ancestor: Capt. Francis Covington, MA

Delma-Jane Heck Batton (Mrs. James)
Died: February 5, 1998
Joined: June 9, 1978
Ancestor: Pvt. George Deery, PA

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