The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Past Regents of Colonel Haslet Chapter
The Colonel Haslet Chapter has already entered its "next" one hundred years. The mission statement drafted in 1897 remains relevant to the times in which we live. The DAR continues to be a reminder of the importance of democracy and the ideals and values espoused by the founders and framers of our Nation.
1897-1905 * Mrs. Elizabeth K. Anderson
1906-1909 * Mrs. James T. Massey
1910-1913 * Mrs. Clarence D. Sypherd
1914-1914 * Mrs. James T. Massey
1915-1915 * Mrs. Elizabeth K. Anderson
1916-1918 * Mrs. Thomas Mcllvaine
1919-1924 * Mrs. Clarence D. Sypherd
1925-1927 * Mrs. Walter Morris
1928-1929 * Mrs. Royden L. Hammond
1930-1931 * Mrs. Johathan R. Willis
1932-1934 * Mrs. George R. Miller, Jr.
1935-1936 * Mrs. L. Layton, Jr.
1937-1937 * Mrs. George R. Miller, Jr.
1938-1940 * Mrs. Olivia Willim
1940-1941 * Mrs. L. Layton, Jr.
1941-1943 * Mrs. Walter Morris
1944-1948 * Mrs. W. W. Mack
1949-1950 * Mrs. L. Layton, Jr.
1951-1956 * Mrs. Robert D. Simmons
1957-1960 * Mrs. Alda Price
1960-1963 * Mrs. George R. Miller, Jr.
1964-1964 * Mrs. E. Walter Lightcap
1965-1970 * Mrs. Harry C. McSherry
1971-1976 * Mrs. Charles Goodrich
1977-1978 * Mrs. Joseph McAndrews
1979-1979 * Mrs. Charles Goodrich
1980-1980 * Mrs. Bernard Reed
1981-1986 * Mrs. Charles O. Webb
1986-1989 * Mrs. James H. Batton
1989-1992 * Mrs. Dorothy M. Gorman
1992-1995 * Mrs. Robert G. Revels, Sr.
1995-1998 * Mrs. Herbert E. Abbott, Sr.
1998-2001 * Mrs. Harold Deuble
2001-2004 * Mrs. John C. Lewis
2004-2007 * Mrs. Gary Onken
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