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Colonel Haslet Chapter

Colonel Haslet Chapter
Dover, DE

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

The Chapter was named for Colonel John Haslet, a stalwart Whig and Commander of a regiment of the Kent County Militia during the Revolutionary War. Colonel Haslet was born in Ireland; he was a Dover resident, a Presbyterian minister and a practitioner of medicine. Events moved swiftly in the new state following the Declaration of Independence. Because Delaware had participated for many years in the colonial wars and had a well-organized militia, a number of excellent officers were available and some of the militia units were ready to march. The first regiment of 800 men under Colonel John Haslet took part in the battles of Long Island (August 27, 1776) and White Plains (October 28, 1776). Colonel Haslet fought bravely under the Command of General Washington with less than one hundred men at the Battle of Trenton on Christmas Day, 1776. He was killed in the line of duty at Princeton, NJ, on January 3, 1777. Colonel Haslet's body was moved to its final resting place in Dover Presbyterian Cemetery on February 22, 1841.

The first meeting of the Colonel Haslet Chapter NSDAR was held at the home of the Organizing Regent, Mrs. Elizabeth King Anderson on State Street, Dover, DE, on January 14, 1897. The Twelve Charter Members were:

Mrs. Elizabeth K. Anderson
Mrs. Harriet C. Kenney
Mrs. Mary H. Henderson-Beers
Mrs. Rebecca May
Miss L. Elizabeth Best
Miss Frances C. Pennewill
Mrs. Mary M. Best
Miss Emma M. Pennewill
Mrs. Deborah S. Davis
Mrs. Maria E. Sypherd
Mrs. Miriam R. Fisher
Mrs. Mary S. Watkins

The original minutes stated, "The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer in concert." This was the invocation used until the 1960s. The office of Chaplain became an elected office in 1932. The members created a mission statement during this first meeting. The statement taken from the minutes is as follows: "...to preserve the memory of the spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence, to promote education, and to cherish and maintain American Freedom, Patriotism, and Love of Country".

Current Officers 2007-2010

REGENT: Mrs. Nancy L. Boyle
VICE REGENT: Mrs. Dorothy Snyder
CHAPLAIN: Mrs. Nancy G. Lewis
RECORDING SECRETARY: Mrs. Maurine Isenhour
TREASURER: Mrs. Mary N. Revels
REGISTRAR: Mrs. Donna Josefowski
HISTORIAN: Mrs. Claire Senato
LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Emily Thompson

Current Activities Visible To The Community

The Colonel Haslet Chapter:
Sponsors the John Dickinson Society, Children of the American Revolution
Attends the ceremony honoring Caesar Rodney, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, July 4 at Christ Church, Dover
Places a wreath honoring Veterans on Memorial Day at The Triangle, Dover Plaza
Presents ROTC medals to cadets at local senior high schools
Sponsors the DAR Good Citizen Award Program and Scholarship Contest for local senior high students
Sponsors the DAR History Essay Contest...5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
Serves complimentary lemonade and cookies to the public on Old Dover Days
Supports American Indian schools and programs
Attends Annual Delaware Sunday, at the Valley Forge Washington Memorial Chapel
Hosts receptions for Naturalization Ceremonies
Celebrates Constitution Week, September 17-23
Promotes Soil and Water Conservation
Commemorates Flag Day, June 14
Provides services to Veteran patients in Delaware hospitals
Supports the Martha Berry College and the six other DAR-related schools

The memory of Colonel John Haslet lives on in the accomplishments of the United States. In remembering the battles Colonel Haslet fought under General Washington's command, let us recall the words of Washington's inspiring address to the Continental Army before the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776:

"the time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die."
Background music "Stars and Stripes Forever" By John Philip Sousa

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For information on membership in Colonel Haslet Chapter of the NSDAR contact:
The VIS Chair person, (302) 697- 6668 or email - hbairdd@comcast.net

Disclaimer: Web hyperlinks to non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

This page created in July 1999 by Helen E. Baird.
Webmaster: hbairdd@comcast.net

Information Update: January 04, 2009

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