Brought to you from:
Kae’s Korner
Compiled by
SheRita Kae Vaughn Partin
Copyright, 1993
This book and the information contained within has been copyrighted by the author who reserves all rights of reprint and reproduction of this material.
Portions may be quoted or reproduced only if referenced and footnoted with full credit for the information given to manuscript and author.
Permission for full reproduction and reprint of this material can only be granted by the author.
Copyright, 1993
SheRita Kae Vaughn Partin
The following is an incomplete sketch of THE FAMILY OF ELIZABETH AND THOMAS KING OF NACOGDOCHES COUNTY, TEXAS. Information has been gathered from a number of different sources and calculations have been made where actual dates were not located.
The reader of the following material should bear in mind that this is not intended to be a positive or exact outline of this family; and, that in all actuality there are probably other members of this family that have been left out due to the fact that they were not listed in the documents searched.
It is not intended that there are not errors in this material as errors occur many times on these old documents and some of them are difficult to read and describer. If there are errors, this writer would appreciate an update on those errors and would appreciate any future information that can be supplied.
I hope that this information will be useful to those who are researching this family line. Many extras have been added when there was a connection the these two names even when no direct line could be established.
SheRita Kae Partin