Welcome to the
2000 W. Artesia Blvd. Torrance CA
Stake Message Board
1. We are in the process of updating the Stake Web Page if you know of any changes that should be made please contact us by e-mail below.
2. The Canner in action. Please view this page if  you haven't already seen the canner in use also please receive proper instruction before using the canner it is a valuable tool for us to keep up on our food storage and should not be idle. We encourage all of you to have food stored in case of an emergency.
3. If you haven't viewed the LDS page in a while we encourage you to do so please note the addition of Scriputes on tape! Yes, you can read them, but if you so desire you may also listen to them on your p.c. while you do other things.
4. Get ready for a great Stake Christmas Program by contacting your Ward Choir Director and joining your choir now!
Stake Calendar/
All about Us
Emergency Preparedness
The Proclamation to the World
The LA Temple
Other Temples
The New Testament Study Guide
Stake Leadership Positions
The Presidency
President-------------------------------Bruce Ghent
First Counselor----------------------Michael Lavin
Second Counselor----------------------David Hales
Executive Secretary-------------------Mike Mahkorn
Stake Clerk-------------------------------Mike Spencer
Patriarch----------------------------------------------Eldon Morgan
Relief Society President------------------------Barbara Grover
Primary President---------------------------------Vicki Woolwine
Sunday School President-------------------------------------------
Young Women's President--------------------Sarah Yamazaki
Young Men's President-----------------------------------------------
Activities Committee Chair---------------------------John Mataalii
Mission President--------------------------------------Kent Carter
Single Adult Chair---------------------------------------Joe Carter
Singles 31+ Chair----------------------------------------Jim West
Public Affairs-------------------------------------------Robert Levy
High Council
Daryl Hamilton, Dan Ashcraft, James O'Brien, Robert Petrusky, David Spencer, Scott Carter, Thomas Stewart, John Mataalii, Silvon Engilman, Woods Woolwine, Murphy Su'a,
Cliff Dean
Gardena -----------------------------------Tom Stewart
Lawndale------------------------------------John Fosse
Manhattan Beach---------------------------Clair Davis
Nu'umau-----------------------------------------Neil Misa
Redondo Second--------------------------Alex Madrid
Redondo Third-------------------------------Ken Homer
Torrance Second--------------....-------Ron Mahkorn
Torrance Fourth (Deaf)Alan S. Morgan President
High Priest Group Leaders
Gardena------------------------Ken Matsuno
Lawndale--------------------- Vardell Tucker
Manhattan Beach-------------Lynn Jenson
Nu'umau Yee -----------------Tonumaipea
Redondo 2 ----------------------Dave Jones
Redondo 3--------------------- Karl Kaneen
Torrance 2---------------------- Robert Ruth
Torrance 4 (deaf)------- Benjamin Ashton
Elders Quorum Presidents
Gardena---------------------------Kalani Fitesemanu
Lawndale-------------------------------Salatielu Sagala
Manhattan Beach-------------------------Kent Kidman
Nu'umau--------------------------------------Talalelei Ti'i
Redondo 2---------------------------------------------------
Redondo 3-------------------------------------David Riley
Torrance 2---------------------------------Mark Johnson
Torrance 4 (deaf)--------------------Benjamin Ashton
Ward Mission Leaders
Lawndale-------------------Russell Koons
Manhattan Beach -------------Pete Giles
Nu'umau John-------------------------- Niko
Redondo 2-----------------Corey Cuvelier
Redondo 3------------------Gary Coombs
Torrance 2-------------------------------------
Torrance 4-------------------Robert Sutton
Other Stake Positions
Computer Specialist-----------------------Kerry Harris
Deaf Intrp. Coordinator ------------------Bill Maloney
Emerg. Radio Resp. ----------------William Hinkson
Emp. Dir. ------------------------------------Earl L. Stark
Family History -------------------------Kyle&Lori Stark
Family Canning Coord. ---------------Dorothy Egger
Librarian, Stk Cntr. ---------------------Vera Miyasato
Music Chmn. -------------------------------Nancy Gover
Phd Mus Coord.-----------------------------Dean Gover
Phys. Fac.---------------------------------- Ron Mahkorn
Temple Recommend appointments
For all Bishops, HC, Stake Exec. Sec, Clerks, and spouses, and all first time attendees, also  lapses over one year, contact:
Michael Mahkorn
All others please contact:
Marilyn Christiansen
No personal Phone numbers will be distributed over this web site and e-mail address will only be added with the express permission of the holder.
All information obtained from this web site must be used for Church related business only.
Thank You!
The Stake Sports Program is a great way to meet others in the stake. Check out the calendar for times!
Stake CNTR.
Annie Mahkorn
Pauline Tucker
Man. BCH.
Joyce Ball
Redondo BCH.
Vanita Vaughn
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