to My Kid's Page

Amanda, age 16

Amanda loves anything with "Cow Spots" and purple things. She is a sophmore in high school this year and she seems to really be good at it. She is the sweetest daughter a mother could have.

Amanda's Spot!:Her WebPage

Amanda's Photo Album

John Clay, age 11.

John Clay is in the 4th grade, school is not his favorite thing. He is my "Wild Child" of nature. He loves anything that is outdoors, animals, clouds, trees, mud. He is very sensitive to other peoples feelings and loves babies.

John Clay's Photo Album

Elaine, age 9.

Elaine is in the 3rdgrade, and loves school. She has the ability to make adults forget that she is not an adult. Sometimes you have to look at her just to be reminded she is a child. Elaine is very opinionated and let's people know it. She loves animals and science (her science projects include the baby mice and bugs), she wants to be a vet when she grows up.

Elaine's Photo Album

Home too! Home The Man in My Life

Updated April 1, 1999