Thanks for dropping by.
I had some restoration work done on my first BarbieŽ.
Below is "her" story with pictures. Hope you enjoy it.

BarbieŽ, with me and another favorite

The Story of "B."
I knew that I had a problem.
My family had all been kind to me for all those years.
My body was etched by time and was not in the best of shape. My hair
was a tangled mess. My eyes were squinty and lifeless. My lips were
a disaster. Heck, I had even popped my knob! Things went from
bad to worse. What could I, a former beauty queen do to reclaim my
once beautiful face and form?
Before I looked my age (or

My body was in horrible
(I was so embarrassed!)

After years of misery and shame,
I began to look for someone to help me. I contacted, via email, several
highly recommended places. Some never answered my call for help,
some were so long in answering, I could have totally faded away waiting!
Then I discovered, when I had almost given up hope,
Toy and Doll ER ! Dr. Alex contacted me
and gave me hope. My friend, Midge, also needed some "work" done
on her body. We loaded up the car and off we went to Montana to the
PolarBear Toy and Doll ER.

Here are some amazing
before, during and after pictures.

See how awful my face looked!
Sad, rheumy eyes, smeared lips, ill-defined eyebrows! A sad looking

During the restoration period
I looked rather plain, but healthier and getting a much needed rest.

My hair once again had that
bouncy, lustrous look. I was beginning to have hope that I would indeed

I could hardly believe my
eyes! I was gorgeous again!

Am I not a miracle?
Slowly scroll back up the page and see the transformation. Dr. Alex
and Nurse Felicia are miracle workers!

Come join in my homecoming

Allan and Ken meet us at the car.

Midge is so glad to be home!

Ken tells me how lovely I look.
(It is so nice to hear that again!)

I am almost overcome with emotion. It
is so good to be home.

He tells me that he has always loved me,
even when I did not love myself.

Family and friends gather to welcome Midge
and me back home.

Midge's cousin is in serious need of a
nose job and some work around her eyes.

We all try and convince her that PolarBear Doll and
Toy ER is the place to go.

I do so enjoy being the center of attention!

Francie entertains the kids.

Whitney and Malibu Barbie enjoy the food.

Buffy and Melody enjoy playing together.

The twins arrive late, as usual.
"You look great, Mom!"

I am so very happy to be myself again!
Thanks PolarBear
Doll and Toy ER !

Me with Barbie, Ken and Midge with The Dream House.

Copies of early booklets
that came with Barbie's clothes.
Click on either to see pages
from the booklets. The pictures may help in identifying clothing
names and appropriate accessories.

The first BarbieŽ Dream House.
(Notice that it cost $8.00 brand new!)

My mother with her extensive doll collection.

Below are links to many different BarbieŽ,
GeneŽ and other doll related pages. Some are of dealers and commercial
websites, some are of restoration experts and others are just personal
doll pages.

Doll and Toy ER
Paul David and MiKelman (Charice Dolls! Wow!)
Mad About That
Barbie Doll
Finder's Keepers
Jim Faraone's
Marl B's
Joe's Website
Barbie Collectibles
Miller's Fashion
Doll Magazine Online
Barbie Bazaar Magazine
Love Barbie, Don't You?
Vintage Barbie Page
Doll Room
A Doll
in Pink
#1 Gene
Fan and Barbie, Too!
Gene Page
Galleries' Forum on Gene
Bear Essentials
Deni's Vintage Barbie
Stacy's Vintage
My Beanies and More!
Sandi Holder's Doll Attic
P &
T Collectibles
Traci's Barbies
to MysteryCat's Home Page

If you notice any bad or
broken links, want to have your site added to the list, or just want to
email me, click on the doll above.
I am in no way affiliated
with Mattel Inc. or The Ashton-Drake Galleries.
I am just a BarbieŽ
and GeneŽ fan and collector.
The wonderful graphics found on this page came from these sources. Without their work, my little site would be so blank and boring. Thank you all!

Graphics by Jelane

Last updated: August 4,2001