All graphics, design and writing are the copyrighted property of Selah/WebSights by Selah 1997-2005. All rights reserved. The images on these pages are not public domain, nor are they to be linked to, transferred to another computer system, or used by ANYone for ANY purpose other than viewing. I make *free* graphic sets for personal homepages which can be accessed by clicking on any of the WebSights by Selah logos contained within this site, so please...let me keep something special for myself. If you would like something especially made for you... contact me. |
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Hello! It is SO nice to meet you! |
My name is Selah. I live in North Carolina, USA with my wonderful husband Tim, the youngest two of our five children, and two cats. I am very concerned with the state of the world today, and try in my own small way to affect change for the good. I am an avid fan of *Click to Donate* sites. They make it easy to help the environment, support human rights, education, healthy living, women's rights, animal welfare and much more ...Please check out my Causes link before you leave my site, and help make the world a better place by joining me and millions of others in our efforts to make the world a better place for ourselves, and for future generations. It's the right thing to do. In my spare time, I enjoy making webpages, and webpage graphics. If you are interested in contacting me about webgraphics, or building a website for your personal or commercial use, you can get in touch with me thru MSN or email. I have listed contact information below, or you may click the WebSights by Selah logos located throughout my site to find out more. |
MSN : use to look me up Email: ICQ : 13402206 |
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Other activities that I enjoy are; Reading: Mostly adventure/fantasy/sci-fi... ANYthing by Tolkien, and the novel "Watership Down" are among my favorites to read over and over again. ( And NO, "Watership Down" has absolutely nothing to do with the Titanic *grin* ) Crafting : Most any type, but sewing is defintely my favorite :) Poetry: Both reading and writing it... ( if I ever work up the courage, I may post a few of my own pieces here someday...) Wordplay: Scrabble, Hangman, Crossword puzzles,The Wheel of Fortune...Oh, and while I am on the subject, the name of my site ( Selahs' Sight ) is not a misspelling, but a *play* on words. It does "lose something" however, when it has to be explained...See if you can figure it out...*L* Collecting: I collect any and everything having to do with angels...I really started getting into this right after my husband brought home a pic of a real angel that was over the building in which he was working at the time...It has been several years since it was taken, and was rather worn by the time I got it scanned and posted here, but if you would like to take a peek at it, click here. Chatting: Last, but certainly not least, I love to chat. Strangely enough, I hate the telephone, and would gladly chunk it out of the house if I could...However the net offers all I could ever want in the way of chatting and interacting with people from all over the world. It matters not to me what ethnic background, gender, age, religious affiliation , marital or economic status you are... I always look forward to meeting nice folks for friendly conversation... In fact, a thought occurs to me that I would like to share with you. Have you ever noticed how, when on the net chatting, we all look the same?....About 1/8th of an inch tall, and a mixture of letters and numbers which allow us to look past the physical, and into the deeper aspects of ourselves and others according to the way they are arranged...AND we can be ANY color we want! Awesome, huh? :) *Added note* My old guestbook got so full, that I had to implement a new one. You may view it if you wish by clicking here, but I warn takes a VERY long time to load fully. Please feel free to sign the new one while you are here, and thank you very much for visiting. ~Selah *UPDATE* Some have asked me for what I consider to be *trivial* information...Things, for instance, such as favorite colors, what kind of foods do I like , etc etc...So here goes my attempt to accurately describe myself to a degree. I am a lover of blue, dark chocolate ( the kind that's almost bitter) and COFFEE! French Vanilla Cappucino and a log on the fire...ahhhh....OH! Where was I? I am easily distracted, open minded, loyal, a seeker of wisdom, honest... sometimes to a fault....I am working on my *tact* I am normally a very laid back type, avoiding confrontation and promoting peace wherever and however I can. I think most people see me as a *push-over* , but that's just because they don't know me very well. I like to think before I speak, say what I mean, and mean what I say. I do not back down when there is an issue at stake I care deeply about, but I *pick my battles* rather than stress over the "small stuff". I am overly protective of those that I care for, for I have a very strong maternal instinct. In other words, DON'T mess with my kids, friends, or furbabies, or beware the consequences. Most people will at least get a warning, but I can turn into a tiger without a moment's hesitation. And I mean the whole *Spit* *Hiss* *Claw* thing...I am thankful that part of me rarely has to rear its ugly head...and I am sure everyone else is too *wink* I am empathic, spiritual, a romantic, a dreamer, and tend to wax philosophical upon occasion. I am not above being sarcastic, and my sense of humor has been described to me as "dry wit". I have a deep seated desire to help people, animals, and to affect change for the good of the world in which we all live. OK, way more than enough about me...Let's hear about you! Drop me an email, or meet me in chat! 'Til then, take care, and have a WONderful day! |
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