Watson's Web Site Home Page!


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This Web Site is about the Watson family. Here you will find linked, information on Harold, Alana, Summer, Trey and Winter. Deana, Steven, Dior and Peyton, Harold's children and Grandsons, where they currently are, and what they are doing.

Trey Anthony Barrett, was born to Summer and Aaron Barrett on January 14, 1999. Peyton Medlock, our newest addition to the "Watson Family", was born July 6th, 2001 to Deana and Michael Medlock. We are constructing Peyton's web page as we speak. Stay tuned!

Summer earned her teaching credential and is currently working at a local Day Care Center, Aaron works as a Sales Manager for a National Beverage company and is studying to be an animator.

Winter graduated from CSUN (California State University at Northridge) as a Voice Major. She has performed at the Hollywood Bowl, had leading roles in the operas, "Senior Deluso", "Into The Woods", and "The Magic Flute". She also had a role in the movie "License to Wed" and has appeared in other films.

Steven, Deana, Dior and Peyton, Harold's two children and Grandsons, are living in Southern California. She is working for the city of Los Angeles and he works in the IT Department at a medical firm in the San Fernando Valley.

Alana and Harry are semi-retired, Alana from South Lake Tahoe Police Department where she was the Administrator for three Chiefs of Police and worked for a total of five Chiefs of Police over twenty years. Harry retired from IGT (International Game Technology) a slot machine manufactuer base out of Reno, NV as the service Manager for Northern Nevada. He is currently working part-time at Radio Shack in South Lake Tahoe.

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LTCC in the snow
Click on image above to go to Lake Tahoe Community College, where I'm learning to do this "stuff".

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# of Site Visits

Harold Watson created this page on November 3, 1998. Please contact me at: tahoeharry@aol.com. Last updated on March 3, 2009. No Rights Reserved.
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