My Family


Come on in sit back and relax

Before introductions are made......

You may want to get yourself a of coffee

or maybe a potof tea

Now that you're all comfey and have a refreshment

I'll tell you a little about myself and family

My name is Jane
I was born in Tennessee.
My parents were Jack and Eunice
My siblings are Joan, Judy, Jim, Janice, (I fit in here) and John (all J's).

My favorite past-time hobby (31 years) is genealogy.
I've hiked to and climbed over many a fence to get into
every known and unknown cemetery in Anderson County TN.
And I'm always calling my friends to ask them if they want to go gravin'...
Therefore earning the nickname "Graveyard Jane".

I also love cats...

Oops! There goes Sylvia (one of my cats) running through the house again....

And here's Socks.....he loves laying on his back....

We live in North Carolina.

I am married to a wonderful man
My children have long flown the nest....

And here's Honey, her favorite spot is on a book next to me

Most evenings you will find me sitting here
Working on my family history.....or chatting online...I'd like to hear from you too!

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