In Honor Of Grampsie

In Honor Of Grampsie

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This page is to honor my grandfather who passed away on April 15, 1996!!!!!

Orrie Davis Roberts served in Northern France, Rhineland, and Central Europe during World War II. He was awarded three Bronze Service Stars, a Combat Infantry Badge, and two Purple Hearts.

Buddy PoppyIn the Mid 1960's I lived with my grandparents & mom after my parents divorced. One of the things I've always remembered was the counting of the pieces of the "Buddy" Poppy for distribution to the disabled Veterans to make them. We would later collect the completed flowers and sit for hours at the local stores with a can covered with paper and a hole in the top. The can was for people to make a donation for the "Buddy" Poppies. Sometimes we made the poppies too because there weren't enough for the demand.

Link to VFW site
My grandfather was very active in the VFW. He was a Past District Commander of District #7 as well as Past Commander of the VFW post 8121. He may have been Commander of the Post several times.

Link to Ladies Auxilary Site
My mother and my grandmother were very active in the Ladies Auxiliary. I am now an official member.

I believe this is a forgotten "remembrance". Traditionally they are worn on Memorial Day in the United States. I will wear mine AGAIN on Veterans Day, November 11, 1999!
Thank you to all the Veterans who have kept our Country FREE!

Buddy Poppy History
Click on the above picture to find out about the history of the "Buddy" Poppy according to the Veterans Of Foreign Wars!

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Updated 09/14/01
