This Site Is being restructured due to lack of financial donations~ Under Re-construction at this time to fit the free site….
Please Bookmark the Home Page and be sure to check back from time to time as we will be updating and adding more pages on as we go. If you have any vital information for us or any photos, wills, military records we do not have, and would like to share them PLEASE do so.
We appreciate any help that we can receive. Any information received by us is confidential, anyone using the information we have obtained needs to have consent as others have helped us and we must receive their permisson as well before allowing it to be used. Thank you for your co-operation.
We maintain "PRIVATIZATION" on this site to protect those still living.J
I will be reworking these pages when I get a chance. Genealogy is supposed to be fun and interesting, but when it gets to be like a 3rd job, and no fun, then it is time to make some changes. I've been at this for 15 years, and have recently began reevaluating my methodology. Trying to keep up with endless e-mail requests has taken much of the fun out of it for me (don't get me wrong, I love hearing from cousins and other researchers). So, I'm limiting my responses to those whom I can
help (beyond what they can find on my pages already) and to those who offer
something that I don't already have, hopefully with documentation. Mostly
I've been giving and not receiving (with several wonderful exceptions).
Write me at:
Denise and Gary Jackson