Michaels' Memorial

Memorial To My Son.

Michael Joseph Carroll
Born on March 29,1961
Left us April 24.1961

Gone But Not Forgotten.....

The Serenity Prayer

Grant Me The SerenityTo Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Know The Difference.

My Son Michael....

I would like to tell you a little about my son Michael.

When he was born, he was 12 lbs. 6 oz. with big blue eyes and a full head of white hair.

He was my 4th child, we were so very happy. Now we had two boys and two girls, just right.

Then on his sister's birthday we put him to bed after his 10 P.M.feeding. All went well until I got up at 6 A.M.and he was gone.

Some time during the night, the Angels came for him. My son passed away from S.I.D.S.He is gone.... but not forgotten.

You will always be in my Heart.

I Love You Still....

Thank You Joy

Thank You Ellen

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