Beyond the Garden Gate
Frostproof High School Prom 1999

This is Mike and Kristie, two of my very good friends

This is Mr.Lewis, the principal at FHS

This is Johan, the foreign exchange student from Sweden

This is Andy and his date

This is Vikki and her date

This is Josh and his date

This is Laura, me, and Deanna

Poem to the Seniors:
'Tis here at last, this night of nights,
Sweet music, dancing,
Soft dimmed lights.
So laugh, and sing, all hearts be gay,
Recall, remember,
each past school day.
Let us pause from our dancing,
remember the past,
Our share of memories,
always will last.
Life's beckoning call,
tomorrow we'll meet.
But tonight we'll hear only
soft dancing feet.
These are our memories...
Our High School Years,
Our time we shared,
our joys and our fears.
This night together will be our last.
Farewell to you...Our Senior Class.

people have been here since May 2, 1999.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
