Towards the end of November, when the air is brisk outside and staying in for the evening, curled up in my burgundy velvet robe and slippers sounds like the perfect Saturday night, I begin to have stirrings to transform my house into something out of a Thomas Kinkaid painting.

Down from the attic, comes box after box, filled with magical wonder to unfold. Before setting up my tree (I must use a fake one, as I intend to enjoy its beauty for at least three months!), I first must move the furniture, so that the tree will have its place of honour in the living room. Once the tree is placed, I begin to open up the boxes, one at a time, and carefully place the exquisite decorations that I have collected over the years, on to it. It is a Victorian inspired tree covered in pale pink roses, cream velvet bows, almost life-like birds, a host of heavenly angels, shimmery beads, and hundreds of white "fairy" lights. A Victorian lady adorns the top. Underneath the tree, sits an animated Santa at his workshop, and an animated angel holds a lit candle. Beside them, I place some of my porcelain doll collection and one favourite teddy bear. Nearby, I place a collection of Angels and Old World Santas, all dressed in snowy white. My favourite Santa and Angel both stand about two and a half feet tall.

Outside and inside the front door, I hang my wreaths, and I always have mistletoe! As I decorate, I play Christmas carols, and sing along. I collect Christmas music and try to find a new CD every year. I love them all. My favourite Christmas carols are Silent Night, Ava Maria and Oh Holy Night.

As another part of the yearly ritual, I pour myself a glass of red wine. I am normally a white wine drinker, but for festive Christmas decorating, red wine is a must! I absolutely LOVE the season, love the hope for peace and joy, love the getting together with family and the food!

But, I also celebrate the reason for the season, that of the message of Love and Peace that was brought to the world. That we should all practice living every day of the year, for Love is where we came from and Love is what we are. I spend Christmas evening curled up on my couch, watching a movie such as "It's A Wonderful Life", while the tree lights sparkle nearby. Often, I go out for a drive to admire all the Christmas lights displayed on the houses and in the yards. Then, I head to bed early to be refreshed for the big day.

I love opening my eyes on Christmas morning. I still believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas, and have that same anticipation in opening up my stocking. I think the stocking is the best part of the day, as I lie in bed and slowly unwrap the treasures found in it, especially the magazine rolled up inside the top, and the mandarin orange in the toe!

On the accompanying pages you will find heartwarming stories, beloved carols, mouthwatering recipes, and mesages of faith, hope and love. I hope you will enjoy these pages as much as I did creating them. Please take your time letting the pages download...give yourself the gift of not rushing for awhile.

This is my Christmas gift to all of you...May you find Love and Peace this Christmas, and all throughout the year!


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