A Little About Hedgehogs

by Julianne Moor of Prickly Pals Hedgehogs


"...And HOW small she had grown - and HOW brown - and covered with PRICKLES! Why! Mrs. Tiggywinkle was nothing but a hedgehog!."

- from The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle by Beatrix Potter


Delightful to hold, adorable to look at and fascinating to observe - two jet-black eyes and a button nose set on the end of a long snout make the hedgehog a sight that you can't help but fall in love with. Their quill-covered body and ability to roll up into a tight ball when annoyed or frightened gives hedgehogs a certain air of confidence. As you watch a hedgehog stroll around your living room floor with composure and curiosity, you will see that he has a definite attitude - he won't put up with any disrespect! In addition, hedgehogs are very clean, quiet, affectionate little animals. Does this sound like the pet for you? If so, read on.



Hedgehogs are clean, intelligent,and affectionate little animals, and given the right combination of attention, patience, respect, and love they make absolutely wonderful pets. If you would like to learn more about them, you came to the right place. After touring my website, I recommend making a trip to your local bookstore or library. For a complete book list and other sources of hedgehog information, please visit my RESOURCE INFORMATION PAGE

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Welcome | A Little About Hedgehogs | Prickly Treasures | A "Prickle" of Hedgehogs?
Resource Directory | Hall of Fame | Hedgehogmania!! | Prickly Pals

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