Fairy Shadows Graphics

Fancybear's Dreamworld

Spread the Fairy Spirit!!

Love is what really counts!!

Maiden Faire's Celebrations

My mother Maiden Faire's site, Celebrations, has just been named The Seasons Greetings Holiday Webring Site of the Year!! Please visit this wondrous site to experience a magical holiday feeling and have a little fun too!!

Thank you to all of Shining Knight Junior's supporters for making him the first ever Kids Rumbles Winner!! Please visit Shining Knight Junior's Room

Hello, My name is AnnaMarie, and as you visit me today I hope that you acquire a warm feeling here. I am a christian, and have dedicated my life to God and my family. I have 3 wonderful children..Corey, age 11, Jesse, age 7 and Chelsey, age 6. They keep me really busy! They each have their own pages within my world that they have helped to design, please take a look! You may also adopt a Fancybear to take home with you!! I will send you a personalized adoption certificate!! Besides my wonderful life with my family I enjoy horses, fishing, camping, and the internet. Please enjoy your visit and thank you for stopping by!!

The Site Fights Fairy Adoption

Peace Manor

Welcome to my Dreamworld
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Email Fancybear22@yahoo.com

Mother's Day Recipes Graphic Recognition
TeddyBear Links Guardians and Pets More Pets
My Awards Page Classes I have taken Poems and Stories
Jesse and Chelsea's Page Join Teddy Bear Fancy Ring Nature
My memorial page Dreamworld Adoption Palace
Angel Moms on Earth
Games!! Webrings I belong to Ladies of the Heart
Happy Halloween! Happy Father's Day! Christmas Wonderland

If you would like to link to Dreamworld please take this banner and drop me a line so that I may link to you also! :)

Fairy Shadows

Please visit my other home for lots of fairies and magic!!

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Last Updated on September 20, 2000

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