Meggie's HomePage
This is the home page of our little miracle baby Megan Nicole Kikendall, even though she was born with medical problems and has a limited life expectancy Meggie has amazed us with her strength and will to live. She is the most wonderful gift that we as her parents have ever been given and we love her more than life itself. We thank God for every extra day she is with us and hope for many more.
Meggie was born on August 5th 1998 with full Trisomy 18, she weighed 4.15lbs and was 18inches long. She was born with an ASD and some minor problems connected with Trisomy 18.
She was born with dark blue eyes and a mass of brown hair and is a beautiful baby. Below is a picture taken about two hours after she was born.
Megan was transferred from Rex Hospital, to UNC Hospital where they had a neo-natal unit. The pictures below is Megan with her daddy Kevin and mummy Paula.