Welcome to our
Grand Blanc Girl Scouts Homepage!
We are part of the Fair Winds Girl Scout Council here in eastern Michigan in the USA. Grand Blanc is home to the Grand Blanc Bobcats. Most of our troops are through our local schools. We had over 1000 registered girls and adults for 2000/2001.

Our early registration and recruitment night both went very well. We registered about a third of our neighborhood and received over 150 new girls into Girl Scouting. We are in the process of placing girls into troops and also forming new troops. Hats off to all who helped to make those nights successful!! Troops can still register, contact Brenda Holser, Registrar to get your troops registration packet or additional forms. Troops must register by October 1st 2000 to be entered in the Council drawing for a $100 equipment center certificate. Troops must have turned in their financial reports for 99/00 and the leaders must have taken their BLS training or one training for the 99/00 year. We are also preparing for our Fall Product Sale which will run from Oct 6-22, 2000. Delivery will be Nov 9 to Dec 3. Contact Kathy Swaintek for further information regarding the sale.

We are committed to helping Girls Grow Strong to become the Women of Tomorrow!

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Sites of Local Interest...

go to "Grand Blanc Township Information"

go to "Grand Blanc Schools Information"

go to "Michigan Information"

Sites of Interest to Girl Scout Leaders...

go to Leader Landing

go to Fair Winds Girl Scout Council Page

Other Sites of Interest...

go to Geocities Main Page