<BGSOUND SRC="killerqueen.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

This page is about poems that my family and friends have shared with me, and I proudly share them with you. I hope you find them enjoyable as I have after I have read them. Many thanks to those who have contributed to this page!


WELCOME TO MY POEM PAGE ...................

*** THE TASTE ***

The music I play...
To supercede reality
I want to live the dream!
Reality just doesn't do it for me anymore...
I tried to conform ...to love...
To rely on one's emotions
Yet it led me here.
So let me ask you something.....
Is this the plan???  For me I mean?
To try he sappy love movie?
Yet left to fail....But to get a TASTE
JUST A TASTE.....to believe
Admit that yes!!!  It does in fact exist
To trash all my theories.....of LOVE
Of lust.....Which leads me to someone new...Full of lust.....
Romance.....Is this the point?
I now wake.....with no answers.....

*** TRAPPED ***

Locked in a room full
Of my emotions
Too many racing thoughts
I can't help but fall asleep
Saving such thoughts
For another time
Another place
Comtemplating my choices
My priorities ...My LIFE
Trying to find the least
Painful way to keep myself
Going...Mixed thoughts ...
Rambling memories
What's right...What's wrong
I don't know anymore
To tell you the truth
I don't really care
My constant
Rambling messages
keeping me up long nights
Insomnia...the technical term
I use pills to sleep
To wake...to smile
And my one precious pill
Which helps me to sit
And relax for a while..............


Why do I question that which cannot be answered...Why can't I just let it go
There in fact is no right or wrong answer...no answer at all for that matter...Why?????
Why ask why? Which to ask why leads to even more questions....
Why not just live? And breathe.....
Go on knowing, knowing that not all why's can be answered.....
Yet opinions can be made...STATED
And maybe someday ...ACCEPTED!

******YOU WHISPER******

The world a slave to your look
Your shapely almond tears
Your marzipan skin in a crystal stare
Your chocolate box of fears
The load of my mind
The pointed beatin pulse
Stabbing instead my thumping head
This famousness is false
You glow and glint
I blink you winked
Ice polished silk
You WHISPER.......

Thunder opens its throat
Lets out the roar of rain
Soaked I clench my overcoat
And come up to see you again
Your smoothly sculptured neck
The trapped curving tongue
Your cage of a mouth
Springs open
And throw out the seeds
Of a song
They grow and flower
And hour after hour
Blessed velvet

To Sarah Merchant for ....
and to Jonathan Berman for.....