How can one sell the air?- Chief Seattle |
Dance, it's a free country...cuz the white folks ain't paid us for it yet ! - Dale Old Horn |
We are an American Indian family living in Northeastern Oklahoma.Our home is a sanctuary for the two-legged, the four-legged, those that fly in the Heavens and those that crawl across our Mother, the Earth. We want to share our culture, our hobbies and interests with our new neighbors.We love to go to POW-WOWs, craft shows and cultural festivals. When we are not travelling, we nurture the wild game that share THEIR land with US ! We want this site to be a SANCTUARY for all who enter. |
Mosaics |
>>MY HUSBAND>> whom I adore |
Perpetuation of my femininity fulfillment of lost dreams Not my carbon copy- a shock, when she demands to be herself- someone different from me! My Angel from Heaven with a celestial smile- a Hellion for a little while Before I can be stern, she says, "I wuv oooo" and all my plans for revenge are undone. Withholding kisses, she breaks my heart, Then demands a hug...making me a part of the world she explores and conquers. Without fear or trepidation, but with courage and determination, there is none braver! To have waited so long and be given THIS Child!!! This best of all GIFTS FROM HEAVEN 11/29/87 -shanalee |
For YOU,then, was I wrought out of tears and pain Tempered in the fires of adversity like the finest steel Cooled by rejection Hammered by doubt the process repeated until At last! I am placed at your side At last! A man worthy of my metal At last! A Man! |
For My Beloved Red Bear -----9/24/89 Shanalee |
The bears on this page courtesy of Sam Silverhawk |
"eagledreamer " by RT Graphics |