

BookDragon's Lair


library Real books have a special quality - tactile, almost warm - like a high quality engraved invitation. I love the boundless realm of stories and raw information that is the Web, but, oh, a real piece of print! A real book is personal, inviting you to curl up with a cup of hot cider or cold wine and your faithful hound(s) snuggled warm at your feet. There is nothing like a book - a handheld, personal gateway into another dimension, another life, another way of seeing the world.

My love for books has caused me to grow beyond the bounds of a mere bookworm. I have become instead a BookWyrme - a Book Dragon!


BookDragon's Happy Hunting Grounds

page turner BookDragon's Pick-of-the-Month: page turner

Want to read a wonderful book about the special bond between a woman and her dog? For anyone who has ever been touched by a dog's love, or would like to know what it could be like, read:

A Pack of Two


Please also visit

the Dragon and the Hound

dragon E-mail:bookdragon@excite.com

Last updated: 1 July 1999

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It is gratefully acknowledged that several of the dragons and backgrounds found in these pages come from Clipart Castle.