Welcome to Hannah's Guestbook!

Denise - 09/12/00 18:19:11
My URL:http://www.harrythecat.com/Denise/index.html
Where Do You Live: New Zealand

Hello Hannah....had a great visit. Denise sounds like she's full of fun. Come and visit with me (www.harrythecat etc...) when you have a spare moment. Best wishes from Denise

terri king - 07/10/00 22:55:05
My Email:poetic_enchantress@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live: 307 washington ave batavia

i checked out your sites hannah, very nice work you will have to show me how to do this.

Janey - 07/09/00 01:41:04
My URL:/janeyzee
My Email:janeyzee@yahoo.com
Where Do You Live: Tropical Florida

You have quite a cheery, friendly site. I liked your sunflower background so much I set it as the wallpaper on my desktop. Very nice stie!

Cheryl Parker - 06/07/00 13:18:32
My Email:spoiledcook@juno.com
Where Do You Live: Springwater, NY

Hi Hannah, I finally checked out your web site. It's cool. We need to get a web site too!

Rick Ziminski - 05/09/00 22:10:58
My Email:ski@techie.com
Where Do You Live: Williamsburg, Virginia

Well, I finally see someone else from Elba Class of '92 got online and did something. I was browsing at work and found your name on that old axx iinc.com Elba site. Your site looks cool. Oh, BTW, we had more than 30 in the graduating class. :-) 34 I think Welp, I'm gonna run! Take care!

Gina - 05/02/00 18:07:33
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/kisslists/gn/index.html
My Email:short_buddy@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live: between upstate Ny and NYC..yeah right smack in the middle.it sux..*hehe*

Kewl page!Thats sooo adorable how you and Niel met!You too look soo good togethor!I love your wedding dress,so purdy =)...I can tell ya put a lot of hard work into this page! Well thats all i have for comments on this,come see mine,sign da g-bookie!..Keep smilin'!..Toodles..

mj - 09/18/99 04:13:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1947
My Email:mjm1@localnet.com
Where Are You From?: Up-State New York

Hey Hannah, Checked out your changes - Great Job!!! I look forward to seeing more pics of your garden!! Bet it looks really nice in person?!?!?! Keep up the bood work!!!

Uncle Herb - 09/12/99 22:13:54
My Email:hfmaskell@dmci.net
Where Are You From?: Michigan

Thank you for changing the music!!! Love Ya Uncle Herb

carin - 08/18/99 02:29:49
My Email:tweetybd@localnet.com
Where Are You From?: batavia

this is beautiful!!keep up the good work. it is very enjoyable!!

Janey - 07/11/99 16:33:25
My URL:/TheTropics/2345
My Email:janeyzee@brevard.net
Where Are You From?: Tropical Florida

Loved your spirit flowers, I sent several today and bookmarked you for the future. What a neat idea.

Janey - 07/11/99 16:16:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/2345
My Email:janeyzee@brevard.net
Where Are You From?: Tropical Florida

Loved your spirit flowers, I sent several today and bookmarked you for the future. What a neat idea.

Torbjörn Olsson - 07/08/99 20:44:09
My URL:http://home1.2.sbbs.se/torbjorn.olsson/default.htm
My Email:torbjorn.olsson@2.sbbs.se
Where Are You From?: Sweden

Hi Hannah,Very nice homepage you have. Good Luck with you´re job with i´t

Elizabeth - 06/16/99 18:11:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/wedachawkins/index.html
My Email:wehawkins@earthlink.net
Where Are You From?: Lakewood, CA

Greetings from california!

Terry - 03/31/99 19:47:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/willowrose
My Email:mate@swbell.net
Where Are You From?: TX

Hi Hannah. I really enjoyed visiting your site. I know what you mean about seahorses, I have a salt water tank and wanted to get some, but I was told they're impossible to keep alive. Love your wolf dog Levi, he's a big guy! Thanks for stopping by my page. Take care, and happy Easter.

Jack - 03/10/99 21:42:07


Jenny Gaffney - 03/07/99 03:33:31
My Email:gcc@worldaccessnet.com
Where Are You From?: Vancouver, WA

Hey there! It makes me homesick to see the photos! We need more pictures and more detail out here....Jenny, RT and kids

PrincessSierra AKA Crystal - 03/02/99 19:47:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/6914
My Email:tntga@hotmail.com
Where Are You From?: Suffolk, VA

This is a great site. Keep up the good work.

Mom - 02/21/99 19:04:18
My Email:jar@2ki.net
Where Are You From?: Just down the road

I'm glad you are doing something constructive on the computer. Please share some pictures of my quilts with anyone who see your homepage. Love, Mom

Julie Maskell - 02/13/99 01:56:11
My Email:jamaskell@cai-engr.com
Where Are You From?: Jackson, MI

Very nice! Love the music!!!!!! Your Uncle absolutely LOVES the music. Happy VD!!!!!

Super Uncle - 02/06/99 14:25:03
My Email:hfmaskell@dmci.net
Where Are You From?: The Land Down Under

Kill the funky music. Cool page with very annoying music. Hows that for honesty!!! It looks really good. Will you make one for us? I mean now that your a pro at it. Mandy says HI shes ready for her BB Game. Gotta Go. Sea Ya! Love Uncle Herb and Mandy

mj - 02/06/99 04:55:58
My URL:http://www.com/geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1947
My Email:mjm1@2ki.net
Where Are You From?: Near you - Up-State New York

Hey Hannah!! Sure is looking good and I get to be the first one to sign your guestbook!! Finally got it to work!!!!! Keep up with your creative talent - you're doing a great job on your VERY FIRST HOMEPAGE!!! Sure is addicting isn't it? I'll keep stopping in to see your progress!!

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