Bowie High School PTSA
Ideas for Family Activities
It's Easy
Simply choose something, anything, to do as a family. To make this easy, we have even given you some suggestions. Pick one and go for it!!
- Go to the movies.
- Cook a family dinner. Give each memeber of the family a task.
- Go bowling.
- Go ice skating.
- Play a board game.
- Find a community activity or an organization that needs volunteers. (Christmas in April is always in need of volunteers.)
- Plan a family outing at a museum or art gallery.
- Go bike riding.
- Rent a video.
- Go for a walk -- you may be surprised at what you might discover in your own neighborhood.
- Attend a sporting event.
- Read the newspaper.
And now for some "Fall Fun" suggestions from the City Newsletter:
- Go for a hike in the woods and admire the changing leaves.
- Go camping and roast marshmallows over a campfire.
- Play a game of touch football.
- Make your own scarecrow for the garden or front porch.
- Have your own Oktoberfest celebration.
- Go apple picking, then make an apple pie or bob for apples.
- Bake cookies and share them with your friends and neighbors.
- Make popcorn and enjoy a movie.
- Pick your own pumpkin and make a scary jack-o-lantern.
- Tell ghost stories.
Page last updated: January 2, 2000