Genealogy Tree w/ My Family Tree
The Burns Family History Page

"Civilization had its beginning around an open fire. Here at its warmth gathered the family group to find safety, comfort, and companionship. In tracing the word "fireplace" one finds it definitely related to the Latin word "Focus". There is the explanation of what home has always meant; for home is the center of life, no mere residence of the body but the axis of the heart; the place where affections develop themselves, children love and learn, where two toil together to make life a blessing.

Ones ancestors are the flagstones that have led to the home you now have. As each babe begins a new life from the warmth of a mother's lullaby to the adventures of adulthood, the days slip away as each flagstone is set in place; some carefully, some hastily--but all record the path, it seems to fade and become obscured in the distance. It is hard to visualize the battles fought, the seas spanned, the wilderness braved, deserts walked, fields cleared, houses built, homes made and families loved and raised--each event a stone in the path unseen on the other side of the rolling hills.

These pages of past parents with their brothers and sisters is just an attempt to help you picture those ancestors and appreciate the span of time they labored on the path that leads to you. by....Don E. Haasch"

Enjoy the Journey~~~~~~


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