Haemi Balgassi - 10/27/99 00:27:04
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/~balgassi/
A lovely page... and a beautiful baby :-)
Jennifer - 10/13/99 20:23:43
My URL:/heartland/shores/3112/
My Email:jennifer.mullen@mindspring.net
You are such a little cutie pie!! I hope your Mommy will consider joining a new webring called Online Moms ~ Forever Friends! We'd love to have her!

Jennifer - 08/24/99 13:55:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/3112/
My Email:jennifer.mullen@mindspring.net
Hi there, I found your page through the The Family First Web Ring. Mickey is a little cutie pie! I have a daughter, born in October 98. Please stop by and see our pages! :)
Theda - 07/26/99 18:57:02
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/saintlaurent/303
My Email:theda@prodigy.net
Elizabeth and Mike, great page. It is well done and has lots of nice pictures. Keep up the good work.
Aunt Marge & Uncle Jim - 07/24/99 03:21:30
Hi Mikey,We just viewed your whole website. We
enjoyed it very much. Your Mom has done an excellent job, but she had such a great subject.
I've bookmarked the site and Aunt Marge & I will
be watching for updates.
Teddy Bear - 07/18/99 20:27:19
My URL:http://www.svs.net/cuddles/
My Email:teddybear@svs.net
Hi Michael! Your such a cutie. I had fun at your Site and I will come back to visit you. I bet you like teddy bears. I have many for you to see. Maybe mommy will bring you by my Site sometime again soon.

Kimmy Smith - 07/18/99 15:12:57
My URL:http://www.kimmysmith.com/
My Email:kimmysmith@kimmysmith.com
Great site. I am visiting the sites of Mothers of Sons webrings. I hope you will come by and see me too.
Rhiannon - 07/02/99 18:13:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Fountain/5721/
My Email:rhiannonway@connect.ab.ca
What a wonderful site you have!Mikey is adorable & I really enjoyed your pages...Great work!
Tara Rhodes - 06/28/99 07:09:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7331
My Email:tararhodes@yahoo.com
I love your site. It has a simplicity because of the common theme, and yet is still dynamic. The clowns are the best.
jean - 06/24/99 20:24:57
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~jmw5171
My Email:jmw5171@uswest.net
Thanks for letting me visit. You have a wonderful website here! Keep up the good work!

Christine Stires - 06/22/99 04:22:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~big_mouth/christiespage.htm
My Email:chrisstires@hotmail.com
What a cutie! Your page is great for a first-timer. I myself just learned to do one my self. Great Page! Keep up the good work!
Sylvia Ann Costa - 06/20/99 00:01:26
My URL:http://asaeditora.com/
My Email:sylviacosta@unikey.com.br
Hi Missy! Warm greetings all the way from Brazil! 8^)
I came to your page throughCaring Moms. I just loved your pages. You have done such a great job with them! Not to mention your gorgeous baby boy!! He is such an angel!! I enjoyed my visit so much that I didn't realize the time passing... I'll come back of
en. There's so much to see an enjoy! Thank you for a warm and relaxing visit. When you have the time come visit me also okay? I just love to make new friends! May HIS Angels always guide your pathway through life.
Bright Blessings!
Sylvia Ann Costa (Mom from Brazil)
Asa Editora's Site
 Stop by for a visit! 8^)
 Share 5 minutes of your heart with someone... |
Mystery MOM - 06/15/99 17:22:16
My Email:tenndrgagg@hotmail.com
Just want to stop by and say hello.....Take care.
Mystery MOM - 05/31/99 18:16:07
My Email:mailto:
Just want to stop by and say hello .
Mystery MOM - 05/31/99 18:08:25
My Email:mailto:
Just want to stop by and say hello .
Mystery MOM - 05/31/99 18:08:11
My Email:mailto:
Just want to stop by and say hello .
Kim - 05/30/99 13:56:58
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/woody/456/index.html
My Email:kokobutter@ivillage.com
Hi,cute little guy you have there. I can give you some suggestions for your website if you are interested just email me. Have some great referrals on where to get graphics and backgrounds. take care!!
Kim - 05/30/99 13:56:46
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/woody/456/index.html
My Email:kokobutter@ivillage.com
Hi,cute little guy you have there. I can give you some suggestions for your website if you are interested just email me. Have some great referrals on where to get graphics and backgrounds. take care!!
Mystery MOM - 05/28/99 14:20:52
My Email:mailto:
Hi there Elizabeth! I am your Mystery Mom. Sorry I didn't email so soon. There was a confusion.......... Anyway, I'm here to tell you to prepare yourself to be spoil. You sure have a good-looking guy here. Take care......
Alysia - 05/24/99 03:44:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4185
Hi, I really liked your site. You've done a great job. And thank you for visiting mine.
Kathy - 05/24/99 00:27:37
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/3789
My Email:kathy@goldesigns.com.au
Hi there Mikey, you are soooo adorable I wish I could give you a great big ole hug...you tell your Mummy she has done a fabulous job of making your page she is so clever.
I also wanted to thank you for stopping by to say hello to us "Down Under" we love to get visitors as I am sure you do too so I will have to come back soon to see how much you have grown, till them you be a good boy for Mummy & Daddy..*blowing kisses*. Pe
ce love and happiness always Elizabeth & Eric. *HUGS*
Thank you for visiting
"Our Humble Abode"

Bye for now...Kathy
Angel Keeper aka Carol - 05/21/99 19:14:36
My URL:/Wellesley/8418
My Email:caroljs@bendnet.com
Elizabeth, thank you so much for signing my guestbook and leading me to your pages...They are terriffic girl.. Keep them coming... I am passing your URL along to my friends..Thank you for your kind words about
my pages, it is appreciated very much...Carol the Angel Keeper