Thank you for stopping by! This page is still a work in progress.
Genealogy is the reason I started this page in the first place, so let me share the lines I work on...
Allmon, Bengtsson, Braisier, Brawley, Broaddus, Clark, Cottrill, Ellison, Goodson, Guisinger, Hall, Harris, Jenkins, Kanatzer, Kester, Louch, McColley, McCoy, McSweeney, Mabry, Massengale, Mathis, Munday, Price, Rube, Russum, Sandburg, Smith, Stephens, Tedstrom, Upton, Vance, Walden, Welch, Youngberg; just to name a few!
These take me from Sweden, England, Wales, Germany, Ireland, Austria to Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Alabama, Carolinas, Kansas, Mississippi, Virginia, Kentucky and quite possibly the Cherokee Nation.
Here are some of my favorite links...
Family Tree Maker
Central Mississippi Regional Library System