Multnomah Days (Nights) at the Movies

Dan Bixel
7407 S.W. 36th Avenue
Portland, OR 97219
Home: (503) 244-3788
Work: (503) 685-1474



When I first heard a rumor that the Multnomah Days Committee might be interested in promoting an outdoor movie, I thought what a fantastic idea! I became a man obsessed. I had absolutely no idea where to begin but after a considerable amount of research, I realized that it's really not that hard to do!

Anybody can pop in a DVD or tape on their system at home but an outdoor film would be much more than just watching a movie.  It would be a shared social experience with family, friends and neighbors that would promote strong community. It would be outdoors, under the stars--a novelty reminiscent of the old and all but extinct drive-in movies. For some the experience would be a nostalgic blast from the past--for others a new and fresh affair.

Certainly there are certain financial, logistical and legal considerations. Some expenditure would be required up front but not a prohibitive one. In addition, if done properly, admission may be charged to mitigate the cost of equipment and film rental. For fund raising purposes, a profit can be made. Also, just as with the major motion picture theaters, concessions may be sold.

Film projectors have largely given way to new digital technology. For a relatively small venue, it is possible to simply rent a digital projector, screen and sound system. Some companies, even local ones, offer package deals. For larger audiences, there are companies that specialize in presenting outdoor theater. They rent you the equipment, set it up, present the film and do the teardown. However, while they can facilitate the acquisition of the films, they cannot directly provide the film and license.

That brings us to the legal considerations. It is illegal to simply rent the equipment, go to the video store and pop in a DVD. When the major film studios say for home use only, that is exactly what they mean. All schools, private clubs, bars, restaurants, libraries--anywhere where people congregate outside of a private residence must obtain a license to present a copyrighted film.

Surprisingly, it is a very simple process to obtain a film and license. Often, it takes only a phone call or an e-mail. There are certain companies called non-theatrical motion picture licensing companies. They have agreements with all the major motion picture studios to provide films and licenses for presentation outside of commercial theaters. Also, they have film catalogs that include new releases not yet available in video stores!





Open Air Cinema


There are many companies that will come to a planned outdoor event, inflate a screen, set up a projector and sound system and  present the film of your choice.



Several non-theatrical motion picture licensing companies  provide licenses and movies of the latest Hollywood releases, classics and more.





Outdoor movies don't have to be expensive. Lots of folks just set up an inexpensive theater in their own backyard!

Films and Licensing

Backyard Theater

Equipment Rental